Beloved ones, our life together at Trinity Church is beginning to take on aspects of Summer Sabbath - and we celebrate this!! Church School and Choir are entering a time of rest, and some are beginning to travel.
But for those of us who are in town … a special invitation! Immediately following worship on Sunday, June 25th we are invited to process down the driveway (or the elevator) to our newly-renovated elevator door entrance. We will bless our now fully-accessible entrance with prayer. This door now operates with a push-button for those using wheelchairs or walkers. The door is also linked with our electronic key-fob system, and will be programmed to be open at the same time as the glass doors at the rear of the building. Join us for a brief ceremonial but informal blessing. Trinity has had an elevator for decades … but the door has never been fully accessible until now. This is indeed something to celebrate! We are invited to come back in for conversation at 11:00 AM with Trinity’s Creation Care Team about current environmental initiatives – all are welcome. Rev. Andrea
I am glad to be back in the office this week. I am so grateful for your prayers as I recover from surgery. Chuck and I are both thankful for your many expressions of support. Trinity has been blessed with lay sermons from Vestry members Patrick Corrigan and Lisa Mages, and clergy support from the Rev. Alan Dennis and the Rev. Salin Low. We are well launched into the season of Pentecost.
And what a week for re-entry! We look forward to an amazing concert on Saturday evening, June 10th at 7:30 PM. The Connecticut Choral Society will present John Rutter’s Mass of the Children; your donations will benefit Newtown Youth and Family Services. With gratitude, we also anticipate our final day of Church School on Sunday, June 11th with appreciation of our many volunteers in our formation programs for children and youth. Come - enjoy some special music offered by the children of our Church School. As Frances Chamberlain prepares for summer sabbath with her family, we celebrate her magnificent accomplishments this past year. ‘Miss Frances’ has tenderly nurtured a brand new program for children - with such creativity, and with love. What a year we have had! We rejoice in her many gifts, and wish her blessings until late August. We pray for all those affected by wildfires, and by wildfire smoke. Stay safe this week! See you soon. Rev. Andrea On behalf of the leaders and staff of our Trinity Episcopal Church, I wish you the many blessings of Holy Week.
We need to be together to pray about Christ’s passion, and crucifixions in our day. We need to be together to ponder suffering and redemption. I invite you to be present for our observance of the ‘Triduum,’ the most holy time in the Christian liturgical year. Maundy Thursday begins ‘The Paschal Triduum’ – meaning, ‘the three days.’ Since the days of ancient Christianity, the three services of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil are one continuous liturgical event. This liturgy represents the heart of the Christian faith, the message of salvation, and the healing power of redemption. The Triduum commemorates the Paschal mystery - the Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, Christ’s Passion, his Crucifixion, his descent to the dead, and his glorious resurrection at the Great Vigil of Easter. During these three days, we pass over with Christ from death to life. We will remember each event in the drama of salvation and enter together into the mystery of dying and rising again with Jesus Christ. May the peace of Christ be with you all. May God's peace be with you, Rev. Andrea Castner Wyatt Risk, a Christian way of life, following Jesus!
Please join Rev. Andrea on Sundays at 11:00 AM - Noon during the season of Lent! Grab a snack at coffee hour and gather in the Library/Johnson Room. We will begin on Sunday, February 26th and will continue on Sundays, March 5, 12 and 26. Please read the Introduction and Chapter 1 for our first conversation. We will use as our text Professor Amy-Jill Levine’s book Entering the Passion of Jesus. Please register with Rev. Andrea by email. Also, let Andrea know ASAP if you need a copy of the book, or click here to purchase it yourself. Here’s a description of the text: “Jesus’ final days were full of risk. Every move he made was filled with anticipation, danger, and the potential for great loss or great reward. Jesus risked his reputation when he entered Jerusalem in a victory parade. He risked his life when he dared to teach in the Temple. His followers risked everything when they left behind their homes, or anointed him with costly perfume. We take risks as we read and re-read these stories, finding new meanings and new challenges. In Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week, author, professor, and biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine explores the biblical texts surrounding the Passion story. She shows us how the text raises ethical and spiritual questions for the reader, and how we all face risk in our Christian experience.” Amy-Jill Levine (“AJ”) is Rabbi Stanley M. Kessler Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace and University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies Emerita, Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies Emerita, and Professor of New Testament Studies Emerita at Vanderbilt University. Trinity Episcopal Church will begin hosting two new support groups this month.
Led by clergy and trained volunteers, both groups are open to all. They are interfaith and nonsectarian. You Are Not Alone: Grief Support Group will begin Thursday, February 16, 4-5:15 pm. You Are Not Alone: Caregiver Support Group will begin Thursday, February 23, also meeting 4-5:15 pm. All are invited to share their story and receive and give support in a confidential, non-judgmental listening space. Groups meet in the library, on the second floor of Trinity Church, 36 Main Street. Entrance to the building is through the glass doors on the eastern side of the building. Use the driveway at 12 Church Hill Road, shared with Newtown Hook & Ladder. There is ample parking at the church. Registration is requested and can be done here. Additional information is available at 203-426-9070 or by email. Beloved Ones, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday on November 6th at our 9:30 AM service of Holy Eucharist. We invite you to share names in advance with our church office if you would like them read aloud in worship.
We also invite you to bring photos of your Saints, your loved ones, to place in the nooks and crannies around our historic Sanctuary. Oh, the stories such pictures tell! They are a visible reminder of an invisible truth: the communion of saints are surrounding and upholding us, always. As we age, the more Saints we know. To become older is to be filled with memory, with grief - which, sometimes, melts into wisdom; and, occasionally, flares into deep, abundant joy at the beauty of this life, of relationship, despite the loss. All Saints Day. A day when we can almost see through the veil between this world and the next; a day when we glimpse eternity. On All Saints Day, we remember those saints of Christian history who exhibited unusual courage, extravagant generosity, and peace in the face of adversity. We remember those who gave even their very lives. We remember as well our own saints, those who taught us courage and honesty, how to love and do justice and walk humbly with God. Perhaps they were not famous people, but they were good and faithful and helped, in their own way, to build the kingdom of God on earth. They are here, with us! They are in us, among us, between us … all around us. Invite a friend to pray with us on All Saints Sunday. We announced with joy on Sunday, October 16th that our new neighbor, The Rev. Alan Dennis, will reside as a member of Trinity Episcopal Church as ‘Priest Associate.’ What a gift!
The Rev. Alan and his spouse Jenny have been worshiping at Trinity for a year now, as Alan has settled into retirement after many years in ministry. Jenny and Alan settled in Sandy Hook, and they have grown children and grandchildren nearby. Over this past year, Rev. Andrea and Rev. Alan discerned together God's call. ‘Priest Associate’ is a common designation in an Episcopal Church for a retired clergyperson who chooses to offer service – at times of his or her own choosing – in various aspects of ministry in a home parish. Rev. Alan desires specifically to offer his gifts in the areas of liturgy and spirituality. Rev. Alan is also busy providing pulpit supply in many local churches without settled clergy in both New York and Connecticut. We will therefore not see him every Sunday, as he is often needed – but we will cherish times he is able to pray with us. In the past, Trinity has employed multiple clergy – let us be reminded that this is not a staff position … but a gift from a seasoned and gifted retired Priest. We invite you to attend a talk offered by Rev. Alan and Jenny Dennis on Wednesday, November 9th at 6:30 PM in the Johnson Room/Library at Trinity Church. Come and learn about their fascinating journey! For biographical details, please read more here! Beloved Ones, as we know so well, Halloween on Main Street in Newtown is a dramatic event. Last year was the first time the Wyatts experienced Halloween visitors at the Rectory – wow!
This Halloween of 2022, Rev. Andrea has decided to hang out at the Church, helping to pass out treats, offering hospitality, and giving tours of our historic Sanctuary to curious visitors. This means that we will need volunteers to help at both the Church and the Rectory. Please contact Rev. Andrea [email protected] to sign up or use this google doc! It is time to begin amassing the voluminous amounts of candy needed for 2 Main Street locations. The sugar - oh, my! We will have boxes located at each entryway to the Church for your donations. On behalf of the thousands of folks who will visit us, we thank you for your generosity. We have plans for ‘spooky’ live organ music to accompany the evening’s festivities, and our Halloween Great Pumpkin Challenge will be on display. Come join us in costume! On Sunday, October 2nd, you might just see a modern version of Saint Francis of Assisi, who so loved all of God’s creatures, at Trinity Episcopal Church! We will undoubtedly see some interesting ‘critters.’
We invite you to bring your beloved pet/s or barnyard animals for a special Blessing of the Animals as we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. Bring your puppy, kitty, turtle, chicken, llama, hamster, etc. Anybody have a goat?? Come join us at the Gazebo/Labyrinth area behind Trinity Church – bring a lawn chair and hang around for conversation! We remind you that during the 9:30 AM worship service - earlier the same day - all children are invited to bring their favorite Stuffed Animal for a special blessing! Sunday, September 18th – 10:45 AM in the Library/Johnson Room
Dear Visitors or Newcomers to Trinity Church, It has been a blessing to have you praying with us at Trinity Church in Newtown. Spiritual community is such a gift, especially in these times. I have been a visitor and newcomer at plenty of churches - it can be strange to be new! I have always loved the opportunity to sit with other newcomers. I love doing it in my role as Priest! So, here is an invitation for you: Please stay after worship on Sunday, September 18th for conversation (and treats!) with other visitors or recent newcomers to Trinity. Perhaps a few ‘old-timers,’ too. Let's gather in the Library (just around the corner from the Sanctuary), and get to know each other a bit. If you have questions about ways to get connected, this is a perfect place to bring them. We can ask each other: How did the Spirit of God lead you here? You will be able to meet a few members of the Trinity parish family. RSVP or questions, please, to Rev. Andrea. May God's peace be with you in these early days of Autumn! Rev. Andrea Castner Wyatt |
The Rev. andrea castner wyattThe Rev. Andrea Castner Wyatt is honored to accept the call of Trinity Episcopal Church to serve and lead as Rector. She looks forward with joy to walking with the people of Trinity Church, and to discovering with you what Jesus is up to in Newtown, CT. Contact Rev. Andrea at [email protected] or by calling 203-426-9070. |