Beloved Ones, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday on November 6th at our 9:30 AM service of Holy Eucharist. We invite you to share names in advance with our church office if you would like them read aloud in worship.
We also invite you to bring photos of your Saints, your loved ones, to place in the nooks and crannies around our historic Sanctuary. Oh, the stories such pictures tell! They are a visible reminder of an invisible truth: the communion of saints are surrounding and upholding us, always. As we age, the more Saints we know. To become older is to be filled with memory, with grief - which, sometimes, melts into wisdom; and, occasionally, flares into deep, abundant joy at the beauty of this life, of relationship, despite the loss. All Saints Day. A day when we can almost see through the veil between this world and the next; a day when we glimpse eternity. On All Saints Day, we remember those saints of Christian history who exhibited unusual courage, extravagant generosity, and peace in the face of adversity. We remember those who gave even their very lives. We remember as well our own saints, those who taught us courage and honesty, how to love and do justice and walk humbly with God. Perhaps they were not famous people, but they were good and faithful and helped, in their own way, to build the kingdom of God on earth. They are here, with us! They are in us, among us, between us … all around us. Invite a friend to pray with us on All Saints Sunday.
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The Rev. andrea castner wyattThe Rev. Andrea Castner Wyatt is honored to accept the call of Trinity Episcopal Church to serve and lead as Rector. She looks forward with joy to walking with the people of Trinity Church, and to discovering with you what Jesus is up to in Newtown, CT. Contact Rev. Andrea at [email protected] or by calling 203-426-9070. |