Companion Parish
Trinity is honored to have worked for many years with our companion parish in El Salvador, San José de la Montaña, to foster mutual bonds of friendship and support. As we work to share the love of Christ and fulfill God's mission beyond our own community and across national boundaries, we have found rich opportunities to grow individually and as a faith community. Members of Trinity have taken multiple trips to visit our friends in El Salvador, and we have welcomed them here in Newtown. We are excited to continue building this rich ministry and welcome all interested to participate.
Centering Prayer
Breakfast Sundays
Lunch Bunch
A long standing tradition at Trinity, the Lunch Bunch meets the last Thursday of the month for fellowship and lunch at a local restaurant. We remember that part of our call to live out God’s mission is to simply gather together in gratitude to enjoy the companionship of others. All are welcome at these joyful occasions. The restaurant is announced during our church service. If you need transportation, please call the parish office. We would very much like to make it possible for you to join us!
Women of Trinity
Women of Trinity organizes social and learning opportunities for women of all ages to come together to celebrate what it means to be women of faith intent on following Christ and discerning God’s mission in our contemporary missional age. Recent opportunities have included a weekend women’s retreat at Camp Washington to discuss what scripture has to say about the feminine side of God, and how to set appropriate boundaries to live out our faith more fully. Women of Trinity is actively seeking ways to provide these opportunities for our youth and younger women busy raising children.