Church School
Our Children's Ministry program is up and running! Children in Kindergarten - 6th grade are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings anytime. Church school will start promptly at 9:30 AM. Drop your child(ren) off before church and they will join you in the sanctuary prior to the start of Holy Communion. Registration forms for church school are available from ushers during Sunday services. (Please note - Church School has moved to the John Beach Room!)
Download one here or see Miss Frances for a paper copy as well. For more information, contact the church office.
Download one here or see Miss Frances for a paper copy as well. For more information, contact the church office.
We need your help! Have you ever considered volunteering to be a church school teacher or part of our Children's Ministry Team? These rewarding roles are open to interested individuals; no previous experience is required. Safe church training must be completed prior to participation. Please contact Miss Frances if you would like to serve our church school families by doing this important work.