Live Streaming Worship can be found on the homepage, which you can find here.
The livestream of the service at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 30 will be on the homepage which you can reach through this link: Home. Here is the bulletin to download. ![]()
Join us here on Sunday, as we virtually worship together at Trinity! We will be experimenting with our new Live Stream equipment and are excited to virtually be together again.
Please click here for Sunday's bulletin. As we welcome Rev. Andrea to Trinity, some questions on everyone's mind are "When will we meet her?' and "How will we worship?" For this coming Sunday, the answer is Zoom! Instead of a traditional worship, we will be combining some prayer with some chatting through a Coffee Hour Zoom call at 11am. Join us! Contact Kim for the Zoom link.
Finding Sunday's Worship
This Sunday, August 16, we will join with St. Pauls, Shelton at 9am. Worship will stream on both their website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjh0POrDhGPeg-3gCs3C1CQ?view_as=subscriber and Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/stpaulsct If you would like a copy of the bulletin it can be found here: https://www.stpaulsct.org/worship This morning, August 9, we will join with St. Stephens, Ridgefield at 10am.
Worship will stream on both their website: https://ststephensridgefield.org/live/ and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ststephensridgefield/ If you would like a copy of the bulletin it can be found here: https://ststephensridgefield.org/outdoor-worship/ Finding Sunday's Worship
This Sunday, July 26, we will join with Trinity Southport. We're so glad to have you join us on July 26! Our service will be at 10am. We livestream the in-person service on Sunday mornings to our Facebook page, and so the easiest thing will be to go there: https://www.facebook.com/TrinitySouthportCT/ If you would like a copy of the bulletin it can be found on our website on the day of or just before: https://www.trinitysouthport.org/ In peace, Rob Laughton, Associate Youth Pastor St. Matthew's Holy Eucharist will be live streamed on Sunday at 10am, and can be found here: https://www.stmatthewswilton.org/worship/ or on FaceBook live:https://www.facebook.com/stmattswilton.
Q & A with the Wardens
There will be a Zoom Coffee hour hosted by your wardens on Sunday July 19th at 11:30 am (after the 10:00 worship with St. Matthews in Wilton) to answer any questions you might have regarding Rev. Andrea, the discernment process, or the potential re-opening of the sanctuary space. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81763741189 Meeting ID: 817 6374 1189 Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) This Sunday, July 5, we will join with St. Paul's Riverside. If it is a sunny morning, worship will take place outdoors at 9:30 am, and will be posted on their You Tube channel later in the afternoon. If it is raining, worship will be livestreamed at 10:15am. To watch, please use this link:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx357syNRPW_pS6E9iv6zzw?view_as=subscriber Men's Coffee Hour
Our coffee hour is scheduled for Wednesday mornings at 9:00am and ending by 10am, or earlier if we want to wrap it up. Please RSVP by sending an email or calling Randy Lewis [email protected] and 203-240-1197. Your questions are welcome. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88372377045 Meeting ID: 883 7237 7045 Let’s join together to validate and affirm each other, share our concerns and joys in our common Christian life, and enjoy great fellowship.
The Rev. Dr. Jenny Montgomery celebrates her last service at Trinity before her retirement. Wardens Dennis O'Connor and Laurie Trotto are part of the Ending of the Pastoral Relationship ceremony. With readings by David Tuttle and Bart Geissinger and music by Don Wismann. Download the service bulletin below.
The Rev. Dr. Joe Glaze is the guest preacher as the Rev. Dr. Jenny Glaze Montgomery presides. Jenny and Joe spend some time sharing their appreciations of their time at Trinity and in Newtown. Music by Don Wismann and readings by Cindy Anderau. Download the bulletin below.
Men's Coffee Hour
Would you be interested in participating in a Zoom virtual coffee hour with your fellow Trinity men once a week to fellowship, share what ’s going on in your life, and offer up a bible verse or a reading from the Book of Common prayer that we would discuss. Our coffee hour is scheduled for Wednesday mornings at 9:00am and ending by 10am, or earlier if we want to wrap it up. Please RSVP by sending an email or calling Randy Lewis [email protected] and 203-240-1197. Your questions are welcome. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88372377045 Meeting ID: 883 7237 7045 Let’s join together to validate and affirm each other, share our concerns and joys in our common Christian life, and enjoy great fellowship. |