We hear reflections from seniors Jack Wojtowicz, Brandon Lutz, Rick Irving and celebrate them as well as Adam Bowditch, Danielle Johnson, Mopsy Seaver and Hannah Weatherby. We are proud of them and we wish them well.
This Sunday, 6/14/2020 at 11am, following worship and celebrating our high school seniors, the Finance Commission will host a forum. Join us! Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87621327936 Meeting ID: 876 2132 7936 Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Join the Rev. Dr. Jenny Montgomery in our celebration of Trinity Sunday. Music by Director of Music Ministry Don Wissman and readings by Patrick DeBrock. Follow along with the bulletin which you can download and print.
Stephen Ministry Virtual Gathering Thursday, June 4th at 4:00
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89961571425 These Zoom gatherings are intended to be an additional way for us to connect with each other here at Trinity—to support and pray for each other. They are not about counseling or problem-solving, but about caring for each other. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Cindy Anderau at [email protected]. Stephen Ministry—Christ Caring For People Through People
Trinity's Social Chat
All are invited to a Zoom Trinity Lunch Bunch Chat, now renamed Trinity Social Chat, at 12 Noon every Thursday. Stay as long or as little as you like in this social chat. About five minutes or so before noon, click on the link just below. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87948471849 Meeting ID: 879 4847 1849 When it opens, Zoom will invite you to download some software for participating (it is used for all Trinity Zoom meetings). Then follow the prompts, entering the Meeting ID 879 4847 1849. Then press Enter. You will be in the meeting! I am also available at 203-491-6030 if needed. See you next Thursday. Men's Coffee Hour
Would you be interested in participating in a Zoom virtual coffee hour with your fellow Trinity men once a week to fellowship, share what ’s going on in your life, and offer up a bible verse or a reading from the Book of Common prayer that we would discuss. Our coffee hour is scheduled for Wednesday mornings at 9:00am and ending by 10am, or earlier if we want to wrap it up. Please RSVP by sending an email or calling Randy Lewis [email protected] and 203-240-1197. Your questions are welcome. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88372377045 Meeting ID: 883 7237 7045 Let’s join together to validate and affirm each other, share our concerns and joys in our common Christian life, and enjoy great fellowship.
Join the Rev. Dr. Jenny Montgomery in our celebration of Pentecost. Music by Director of Music Ministry Don Wissman and readings by Bart Geissinger and David Tuttle. Follow along with the bulletin which you can download and print.
The Rev. Dr. Jenny Montgomery shares Friday wisdom and camaraderie with us.
Join us at 4pm on Thursdays to connect with each other here at Trinity—to support and pray for each other. They are not about counseling or problem-solving, but about caring for each other. All are welcome!
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89961571425
Today is the last Sunday at Trinity for the Rev. Matt Babcock before he sets out for his new position in the Chicago area. Matt preaches today and the Rev. Dr. Jenny Montgomery presents him with gifts on behalf of Trinity. Make sure to watch the service to the very end.
Then at 11:00 say farewell to Matt yourself on Zoom. Click on this link to join the call--https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87985696182 or call 929-205-6099 and enter the meeting ID 879 8569 6182. Download the service bulletin below.
The Rev. Matt Babcock is joined by Trinity youth Brady Dunn, Jenna Dunn, Rebecca Filiato, Tain Gregory, Matt Irving, Rick Irving, Brandon Lutz, and Jack Wojtowicz.
Posted by Trinity Episcopal Church Newtown CT on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 |