Stephen Ministry Survey
Stephen Ministry has been a part of parish life here at Trinity Church, Newtown, since 2009. We would like you, as members of the Trinity community, to assist us in an evaluation of Stephen ministry as you see it. We need your opinions to help us in assuring that Stephen Ministry is true to its mission and fully “in sync” with the needs of our congregation.
We would ask each member of your household, adults and teens, to please complete the survey by responding to the questions on the following pages.
Please complete and return your survey by Friday, February 3rd.
Note: Your individual responses will be kept confidential and anonymous, unless you want to state your name at the bottom of this form.
With blessings and thanks for your help—
We would ask each member of your household, adults and teens, to please complete the survey by responding to the questions on the following pages.
Please complete and return your survey by Friday, February 3rd.
Note: Your individual responses will be kept confidential and anonymous, unless you want to state your name at the bottom of this form.
With blessings and thanks for your help—
The Trinity Stephen Ministry Team
Stephen Ministry Leaders
Cindy Anderau, Ron Dukenski, Paget Haylon, Teddy Jameson, Judy Rowley, Rev. Andrea Castner Wyatt
Stephen Ministers
Carol Bigman, Geoff Dent, Joe Bojnowski, Erin Lutz
Stephen Ministry Leaders
Cindy Anderau, Ron Dukenski, Paget Haylon, Teddy Jameson, Judy Rowley, Rev. Andrea Castner Wyatt
Stephen Ministers
Carol Bigman, Geoff Dent, Joe Bojnowski, Erin Lutz